WTE Husson's Pizza Day is today, January 9, 2025. Mention West Teays when ordering lunch or dinner and we will get 25% of the sales!

We have a menu change for today. We are switching with next Friday. So, today we are having hamburgers and next Friday we are having ravioli. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't forget that school is dismissed at 11:25am today!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

WTES Fall Picture Day is coming soon. It will be on Wednesday, 9-18-2024. The flyers have been sent home and I posted one on schoology as well. The online code is FM460765

Buses cannot run the Ridgeview section of Bloomingdale until Monday, Aug. 26 due to road construction. Students from the Ridgeview area will be picked up and dropped off on Carpenter Ave.

Ms. Nancy has report cards in the front office for pick up until Monday 6/10. We will send the ones not picked up by next Monday to the central office for pick up there over the summer. If not picked up over the summer, next year's new teacher will have them in August.

Fifth Grade Parents,
Please be sure to check schoology for information regarding the 5th grade celebration on May 19th.

Tonight is our WTE Art Walk from 5:00-7:00. Please come join us and walk through the halls to see all the beautiful art our students have created. Winners from each class will be unveiled at this time as well! We are so excited to see you!

Class/group pictures will be taken tomorrow. These must be purchased tomorrow as well. The envelopes were sent home the Monday before spring break. In case you lost yours, I have attached a copy on schoology for you to see what to include with your payment. Online payments are also accepted. For online payments, see below.
Go to Strawbridge.net
Click on order pictures and enter this code FM413021

Good morning West Teays families,
This morning, there was a minor accident in the turn lane in front of the school involving a car and a school bus. The three students on the bus have been cleared by paramedics and those parents have been notified.

Archery and All County Chorus will have their group pictures taken tomorrow. Archery team, please wear your team shirts.

Reminder that school individual pictures will be tomorrow, Monday, 3/20. All orders will be done online once you see the proofs. Please refer to the schoology post from 2/24 for additional information.

Don't forget to bring your money tomorrow for the St. Patrick's Day bracelets being sold by the fifth grade class. They will be sold before school for those who would like to purchase.

Reminder that school individual pictures will be on Monday, 3/20. All orders will be done online once you see the proofs. Please refer to the schoology post from 2/24 for additional information.

West Teays Elementary School readers need to make sure to spend their prize money in the prize store. Any prize money not spent within 10 days after our Read-A-Thon ends will no longer be available. The prize store cannot be reopened once it is closed. It closes today. So, 10 days from today. All prizes will be shipped to the school.
Thanks so much,
West Teays Elementary School

This is a reminder that our school bookfair begins tomorrow. Students will be able to shop during their library time this week. We will also have family night tomorrow evening from 3-8pm. Fifth Grade parents will also be offering dinner for purchase to help with their end of year celebration. Available items include BBQ, hot dogs, chips, sweet treats. Combos are available for $5.00. Meals can be boxed “to go”.

Don't forget this week is Dr. Seuss Week. Check schoology for dress up day information. Our Read-a-thon also officially begins so students can start tracking minutes tomorrow.

PCS is dismissing two hours early today. This means WTE is dismissing at 12:25pm.

Bus 1501 will be running 20 minutes or so late this morning.

Just a reminder that the 5th grade parents will be selling Valentine suckers before school on MWF of this week to help offset the cost of their end of year celebration. Be sure go get to school early if you'd like to make a purchase. Have a great evening.