At Poca High School, we believe every student should have the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education, and we know school staff are the best support system to help students believe it too. We’re excited to work alongside the American College Application Campaign (ACAC), an initiative of ACT’s Center for Equity in Learning, for #WhyApply Day 2023.
ACAC supports coordinators, counselors, educators, and community partners from thousands of communities across the country to organize events that encourage students to apply to college and support them throughout their application process. To celebrate the nearly 300,000 students who will participate in these application events, #WhyApply Day kicks off the application season and provides encouragement for the students.
This year #WhyApply Day is on Friday, Sept. 22. Show your support by wearing your college gear and sharing why you believe students should apply to college and/or why you applied to college, using the hashtag #WhyApply on social media.
For more resources, including social media post templates, download the toolkit